What a wonderful article!… gives me faith in my own journey in this area… just some thoughts…
Loving somebody is easy. Loving oneself is the hard part.
When we’re loving ourselves, which part of us is the giver? And which is the receiver?
Where does love come from? And where does love go?
Why do we even have sexual love in the first place? I think we’re hard-wired as a species to be about pleasure, because pleasure is our brain’s reward mechanism and helps us to survive. Pleasure helps drive us to hunt for the best food when we’re hungry; it helps bond and keep people together within the tribe, thus ensuring strength in numbers.
Pleasure has a primitive aspect, but seems to have an enlightened aspect too…. thanks for pointing this out, Kris!
There’s no right or wrong answer here, just a journey, I believe, a process of continuous discovery…Just my 2-cent contemplation on this delightful topic.