Perhaps those of us reading this, those of us living through this crisis that has no precedent in history, will plant seeds and become our own next “Great Generation.” We will learn how to adapt, live and scrape by. We will learn how to make our own lard and bake our own bread. We will grow our own vegetables in our own garden, or band together in communities across the country to create community gardens everywhere. We’ll sell farm fresh organic eggs at local markets. Many parts of the United States are blessed with great soil, mild weather and relatively plentiful water. Of course, gone will be so many of the amenities we so love and enjoy — swimming pools, fresh coffee, a glass of Pinot Noir. But something tells me we might actually enjoy life more, not having so many distractions…. think of it this way: the dissatisfaction that we’re feeling is caused by the alienation we feel, an alienation from what we produce, not from the collapse of the system. We get the sense of satisfaction we seek from producing the things we need with our own hands and from our own means.