Look across the operations of any business today and you will discover not a single one of its functions -- sales, marketing, supply chain, logistics, customer service, accounting, finance, reporting, communications and managerial controls -- is not completely or at least majorly running on cloud software today.
Look up emerging platforms like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and no-code/low-code. These technologies and others like them are coming fast and will decimate jobs by the millions. The power of the automation that's coming will make even those sought-after tech jobs at Google subject to rapid and utter disruption.
What this means is that millions of mid-line workers -- in hundreds of occupations that typically require better-than-average educations -- are poised to become redundant, if they haven't become at least partially so already.
What's left? Maybe a few creative problem solving roles, and even fewer decision makers.
The 21st Century will require us to create a marketplace for human labor that doesn't exist yet. We'll need to create hundreds of millions of new jobs in human care -- more than just health care, we'll need spiritual care, mental care, chaos care, heart, compassion, empathy and well-being. Jobs that improve our Quality of life beyond mere material trappings -- that's going to become our growth industry soon!